Best Google Ads campaign types for eCommerce and Lead Generation?

Choosing the right Google Ads campaign type is crucial for the success of your eCommerce or lead generation efforts.

Whether you aim to drive online sales or generate high-quality leads, the campaign type you select can significantly impact your results.

In this article, we’ll explore the best Google Ads campaign types for eCommerce and lead generation. We’ll provide insights to help you optimise your advertising strategy and achieve your business goals.

Let’s dive in!

Table of contents:

  1. Understanding Google Ads campaign types
    1. Search Campaign
    2. Performance Max campaign
    3. Shopping campaign
    4. Video campaign
    5. Demand Gen campaign
    6. Display campaign
  2. Best Google Ads campaign types for eCommerce
    1. Search Campaign for eCommerce
    2. Performance Max with Shopping
    3. Video Campaign for eCommerce
  3. Best Google Ads campaign types to generate leads
    1. Search Campaign to Generate Leads
    2. Performance Max campaign to Generate Leads
    3. Video Campaign to Generate Leads
  4. Brand Awareness Campaign Types
    1. Demand Gen Campaign
    2. Display Campaign
  5. Why is it critical to choose the right campaign type?

Understanding Google Ads campaign types

Google Ads offers a variety of campaign types to help businesses achieve their marketing objectives, whether it’s driving sales, generating leads, or increasing brand awareness.

Here are some of the most common Google Ads campaign types and their key features:

Search Campaign

Search campaigns allow you to show text ads on Google’s search results pages when people search for keywords related to your products or services.

These ads are highly targeted, as they appear to users who are actively searching for what you offer. Search campaigns are great for driving sales and leads.

Performance Max campaign

Performance Max is a goal-based campaign type in Google Ads that lets advertisers reach all of Google’s advertising channels and inventory with a single campaign.

It complements keyword-based Search campaigns and helps businesses find more customers across YouTube, Display, Search, Discover, Gmail, and Maps.

Using Google’s AI and machine learning, Performance Max optimises bids, budgets, audiences, creatives, and attribution in real-time to achieve your conversion goals.

You can set a target CPA or ROAS, and the campaign will automatically adjust to maximise conversions or conversion value.

To run a Performance Max campaign, you provide Google with your advertising goals, creative assets (text, images, and videos), audience signals, and optional data feeds. The AI then combines these elements to create the most effective ads for potential customers across the Google Network.

Shopping campaign

A Shopping campaign in Google Ads is designed specifically for retailers to promote their products online.

It allows businesses to display product images, prices, and other details directly in Google Search results and across the Google Network, including YouTube and Google Display Network.

Shopping campaigns use product data from your Merchant Centre feed rather than keywords, making it easier to manage large inventories. Google’s algorithms match user searches with your products, displaying the most relevant items to potential customers.

This type of campaign is ideal for driving sales and reaching shoppers actively looking for products like yours.

Video campaign

A Video campaign in Google Ads is designed to help businesses promote their products or services through engaging video content. These campaigns allow you to display video ads on YouTube and across the Google Display Network.

Video campaigns can achieve various objectives, such as building brand awareness, driving website traffic, or increasing conversions.

By using targeting options like demographics, interests, and keywords, you can reach the right audience with compelling video ads.

This type of campaign is ideal for capturing viewers’ attention and conveying your message in a visually impactful way.

Demand Gen campaign

A Demand Gen campaign in Google Ads is designed to generate interest and drive awareness for your products or services. It targets potential customers across Google’s platforms, including YouTube, Discover, and Gmail, by using engaging and visually appealing ads.

Demand Gen campaigns are ideal for reaching new audiences, building brand recognition, and encouraging interest at the early stages of the buying journey.

This type of campaign leverages audience insights and machine learning to optimise ad delivery and maximise engagement.

Display campaign

A Display campaign in Google Ads is designed to help businesses showcase their ads across the Google Display Network, which includes millions of websites, apps, and Google-owned properties like YouTube and Gmail.

Display campaigns are ideal for increasing brand awareness, reaching a broad audience, and re-engaging past visitors with visually appealing images and video ads.

You can target specific demographics, interests, and placements to ensure your ads reach the most relevant potential customers.

Best Google Ads campaign types for eCommerce

Choosing the right Google Ads campaign type is crucial for eCommerce businesses looking to maximise their online presence and sales.

Different campaign types offer unique advantages, allowing you to reach potential customers at various stages of their buying journey.

Whether you’re aiming to capture high-intent search traffic, tap into Google’s vast shopping network, or engage audiences with compelling video content, picking the right campaign type is key.

The right choice can greatly boost your ad performance and help you reach your marketing goals more efficiently. It’s all about matching your campaign type with your specific business objectives to maximise your results.

Search Campaign for eCommerce

A Search campaign in Google Ads is essential for eCommerce businesses wanting to capture demand from users actively searching for products and services to buy online.

This type of campaign allows your ads to appear directly in Google Search results, targeting specific keywords related to your products.

For example

If you sell organic skincare products, your ad will show up when someone searches for “organic face cream” or “natural skincare.”

Search campaigns are incredibly effective because they attract high-intent traffic – users who are already looking for what you offer. This increases the likelihood of conversions as these potential customers are further down the purchase funnel.

By bidding on relevant keywords, you can ensure your ads are seen by people who are ready to buy, driving more qualified traffic to your website.

Additionally, Search campaigns offer a range of targeting options, such as location, device, and time of day, allowing you to fine-tune your strategy and reach your ideal audience more efficiently.

The performance of Search campaigns can be easily tracked and measured, providing valuable insights into which keywords and ads are driving the most conversions. This data helps you optimise your campaigns for better results, ensuring you get the most out of your advertising budget.

By continually refining your keywords and ad copy based on performance data, you can improve your click-through rate (CTR) and conversion rate, ultimately boosting Google Ads conversion rate.

Performance Max with Shopping

A Performance Max campaign with Shopping is ideal for e-commerce businesses because it blends the strengths of Shopping ads with Google’s advanced automation across multiple channels.

This campaign uses product data from your Merchant Centre feed to showcase detailed product ads on Search, YouTube, Display, Discover, and more.

The magic lies in its machine learning capabilities, which optimise your campaign’s performance based on your goals. It automatically adjusts bids, targeting, and placements in real-time.

For instance

If your new line of running shoes starts trending on YouTube, Performance Max will allocate more budget to YouTube ads to capitalise on that interest, driving more traffic and sales. 

This dynamic approach ensures your ads are always working hard to deliver the best results, making the most of your ad spend and reaching customers where they’re most active.

Video Campaign for eCommerce

A Video campaign in Google Ads is a powerful tool for eCommerce businesses to promote products and services using engaging video content.

These ads primarily appear on YouTube, allowing you to highlight product features, and benefits, and tell your brand’s story in a captivating way.

Video campaigns are excellent for building brand awareness and engaging potential customers.

For example

Suppose you’re launching a new smartwatch. With a well-crafted video ad, you can demonstrate its features, such as fitness tracking, notifications, and customisable watch faces. 

You can also include testimonials from users who love the product. This approach not only grabs attention but also helps build trust and encourages viewers to make a purchase.

What makes video campaigns particularly effective is their ability to use visual storytelling to connect with your audience on a deeper level.

By showing your product in action and sharing authentic stories, you can create a memorable impression that drives conversions and enhances brand loyalty.

Best Google Ads campaign types to generate leads

Choosing the right Google Ads campaign type is essential for generating high-quality leads for your business.

Different campaigns offer unique advantages, allowing you to reach potential customers at various stages of their decision-making process.

Whether you’re looking to capture contact information, schedule appointments, or drive sign-ups, selecting the most effective campaign type can significantly impact your lead-generation efforts.

Let’s explore the best Google Ads campaign types to help you achieve your lead generation goals.

Search Campaign to Generate Leads

A Search campaign in Google Ads is a powerhouse for eCommerce and lead generation. It targets users actively searching for specific products or services, making it highly effective in capturing high-intent traffic.

These ads appear at the top of Google search results, showcasing your offerings to potential customers who are already interested and ready to make a purchase or inquire.

For example

If you run a skincare business and someone searches for “best anti-ageing serum,” your Search ad can appear prominently. 

This placement ensures your ad reaches users at the precise moment they’re researching or ready to buy, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

What makes Search campaigns invaluable is their direct connection to user intent.

By bidding on relevant keywords and crafting compelling ad copy, you can attract qualified leads actively seeking what you offer, driving sales and expanding your customer base effectively.

Performance Max campaign to Generate Leads

A Performance Max campaign in Google Ads is like having a supercharged engine for your eCommerce and lead generation efforts.

It’s designed to maximise your reach and impact across multiple Google platforms, including Search, YouTube, Display, and more.

Instead of focusing on just one channel like Search or Display, Performance Max uses machine learning to optimise your ads dynamically.

For example, if your goal is to drive sales for a new product, Performance Max can allocate your budget where it’s most effective. It might boost visibility on YouTube if your video ad is performing well, or increase bids on Google Search for high-converting keywords.

This campaign type is ideal for eCommerce businesses looking to scale their advertising efforts efficiently across different channels, ensuring your ads are always in front of the right audience at the right time.

It’s like having a smart assistant constantly adjusting your strategy to maximise results and drive meaningful outcomes for your business.

Video Campaign to Generate Leads

A Video campaign in Google Ads is a powerful tool for generating leads by showcasing your products or services through engaging video content. These ads appear primarily on YouTube, allowing you to demonstrate product features, and benefits, and share compelling stories about your brand.

Video campaigns are effective for capturing audience attention and encouraging action.

For example, suppose you run a travel agency. With a well-crafted video ad, you can highlight popular destinations, showcase customer testimonials about their memorable experiences, and include a call-to-action inviting viewers to sign up for a travel newsletter or book a consultation.

What makes Video campaigns particularly impactful is their ability to convey information visually and emotionally.

By connecting with viewers through storytelling and showcasing your offerings in action, you can inspire potential customers to engage with your business and ultimately convert into leads.

Brand awareness campaign types

When looking to maximise eCommerce sales and lead generation, it’s essential to explore additional Google Ads campaign types beyond the traditional.

These options offer unique advantages for reaching and engaging your target audience.

Demand Gen Campaign

A Demand Gen campaign focuses on creating interest and awareness for your products or services.

It’s effective for introducing new offerings or promoting seasonal promotions to attract potential customers who may still need to actively search for your products.

Display Campaign

Display campaigns are excellent for enhancing brand visibility and reaching a broader audience.

By displaying visually appealing ads across the Google Display Network, including websites, apps, and YouTube, you can capture attention and drive traffic to your eCommerce site.

Utilising these campaign types alongside your core strategies can broaden your reach, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive more conversions and leads for your eCommerce business.

Why is it critical to choose the right campaign type?

Choosing the right campaign type in Google Ads is crucial because it directly impacts the effectiveness of your advertising efforts.

Each campaign type is designed with specific objectives in mind, whether it’s driving sales, generating leads, or increasing brand awareness.

For eCommerce and lead generation, selecting the appropriate campaign type ensures your ads are shown to the right audience at the right time, maximising the chances of engagement and conversion.

For instance, if your goal is to drive immediate sales for a new product line, a Search campaign targeting high-intent keywords can effectively capture users ready to make a purchase. 

On the other hand, if you’re aiming to build brand awareness among a broader audience, Display or Video campaigns can showcase your products visually across various websites and YouTube.

Moreover, choosing the right campaign type allows you to optimise your budget effectively.

By focusing your resources on campaigns that align with your business objectives and audience targeting strategies, you can minimise wasted ad spend and achieve a higher return on investment (ROI).

In essence, selecting the right campaign type in Google Ads is about aligning your advertising goals with the capabilities of each campaign format, ensuring your marketing efforts are strategic and impactful in driving eCommerce sales and generating quality leads.

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